We Love the TOKER II, and so will YOU!
Introduced in the early 70’s, the TOKER II and MINI-TOKER water pipes combined laboratory precision,sleek design, and extreme usability to achieve iconic status and become wildly popular among those in the know.We all loved it – and then…..it disappeared – a casualty of the times.
Well, we brought it back – and its better than ever!
We’ve added a few things to make this retro legend even better! Included with each purchase is a new 14mm adapter downstem, so you can use all of your 14mm custom slides and rigs* on your new TOKER II and MINI-TOKER. We’ve also made a carrying case for the MINI-TOKER for easy party hopping. Remember, the party doesn’t start until the TOKER II arrives!
*for tobacco use only
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Tell Us Your TOKER II Story
My happiest 420 Day ever!!!!
I had searched the interwebz HIGH and low for one of these a couple of years ago. No luck at all but did come up with a picture of a semi dirty one that I added to my archives. Pic attached. Well I posted that pic on my FB timeline today in honor of 420 and also in...
The TOKER II is the first mass produced glass water-pipe sold. Sometimes you get it right the first time. This was one of those times. The design allows for the pipe to be held comfortably and sit stably. The ratio of water to space remaining in globe is in perfect...
You hit this one out of the park
Over forty years ago today, Sgt. Peppers led my way to play with the Toker II. Uninterrupted use since, with the exception of the final decade to guarantee the last of a dyeing breed would survive, has kept my sails full and course true. During that dark decade I...
“I’ve owned a TOKER II since 1975, and I’ll tell you one thing. It’s had a major influence on my life, and made me the man I am today. “
“I found this odd looking flask on my intern’s desk, behind something called a “Jerry Garcia Bobblehead”. I complimented its superior design, so my intern gave it to me. I like to take a couple of puffs before bedtime, that’s how I came up with that relativity stuff.”
“I use all of my different strains of “Parakeet Seed” in TOKER II, always have. Nothing comes close”