1971 or 1972 I’m 25 years old:”between jobs” living with a fairly new girlfriend and visiting her parents in Silver Soring Md. We go out to my gfs friend’s home for the evening. I meet her friend “Bobby” who shows us this new thing he’s selling…. THE TOKER!!

He asks me if I would like to market the Toker to NY area head shops ( there were a lot of them in those days). So for a few months I drive around LI and Westchester and NYC to sell The Toker. It was a tough job,,, but someone had to do it… LOL. Invariably.. we would get blitzed on the first drop with the guys from the shop we were in and that would be it for the rest of the day

We sold a few dozen ( they came with a great poster, of which I didn’t save any) we never got paid.. “Bobby” paid us in a few cartons of Tokers

Have no idea what happened to those Tokers! But… i bought a Toker II when they first came out a few years ago, and It’s FANTASTIC!! ( and nostalgic for me too.. great memories from almost 50 years ago

BTW “Bobby” died a few years ago. I had no contact with him since 1972… but I bet he’s smiling about the TOKER 2