I used to run sound for my uncle’s band when I was 16 (40 now).  Went to all their practices.  Occasionally refreshments we’re passed around for.. inspiration.  This particular Sunday in question was one of those days. The garage door was open, the fog was rolling and good times were afoot… That was..until the drunk neighbor started heading over. “Hide the bong” said the guitar player, owner of the house and bong.  It was placed on one of the speaker cabinets off to the side.  Drunk neighbor talks our ears off, bumbles around and does your typical drunk asshole routine.  What happened next changed the course of universe and upset the balance of the nature for the rest of existence.  Drunk guy stumbles into the speaker, the bong teeters back and forth and in slow motion, it tipped to it’s side, and proceeded to fall and explode creating a noise that you could never ever forget.  The room went dead quiet.  Everyone looking around at each other in shock and horror.  Drunk guy picks up one of the shard of glass and reads it. “Toker II. Shit man I am so sorry. I feel so bad. It even had a name.”

After an extended moment of silence drunk guy left and we went on to finish practice but ever since that moment, the world has never been the same.